Smiles are bigger and energy is higher when performing
for friends & family at the annual ANA Synchro show! |
Last month, ANA Synchro hosted its annual show at the
Andover/North Andover Y. We are thrilled
to announce that this year’s production, Defying
Gravity, surpassed last year’s box office record and introduced
synchronized swimming to many new fans in the community!
Putting on three performances like we do is a huge, annual,
undertaking. Is it worth it? The coaches could have easily just worked
with the athletes to prepare for the next competition. The volunteers surely could have found other
things to do with their time! And the Y
could have experienced just another calm weekend pool schedule.
We asked a number of people involved in the show in
different capacities their opinion on why we do a show. Not be a spoiler, but the consensus was
overwhelmingly positive in spite of the work!
Check out the different perspectives of the people we asked:
ANA Synchro athletes develop close bonds
by swimming all together at the annual show. |
Zimmerman, Athlete, Senior Team:
The show is a very fun event for the
girls. We
all put a lot of work into the show, but it definitely pays off when show time
comes around and we get to show off our routines and how great a sport synchro
is! I think we all love the show so much
because it is the one time of year when we get to swim with not only our team
of 8 people, but with all of our ANA sisters! It brings all of us so much closer as a team!
Audiences, and especially the athletes,
enjoyed seeing five coaches perform
an exhibition swim. They still have it! |
Leah Pinette, Head
Coach (and someone who has been in her share of shows over the years!):
The show is a very fun event for the
girls. They’re performing just because
they love the sport and want to share it with the community. And it actually really helps us for
competition because it closely simulates a competition environment – much more
so than we’re able to achieve in an ordinary practice. Even without the scoring pressure, the
athletes will still get nervous because they want to do well in front of their
friends and family. The show gives them
an important chance to learn how to control those nerves. It definitely helps them bond so that when
they do go to compete, they are a stronger team. Not all that coincidentally, our Age Group
athletes had an important qualifying meet the very next weekend after the show,
and I’m happy to say all of them moved forward to the next round, on their way
to Age Group Nationals later this summer.
The show was a nice warm-up for that.
Novice athletes get ready to show their stuff
in their first ANA Synchro show! |
Ken and
Marsha Cordio, first-year parents of a novice athlete:
We thought that the show was a great way to
end the season for the novices, with an event that was very entertaining for
all demographics. Our daughter really enjoyed the opportunity to perform
for her family and friends. The show really educated our extended family
about the sport, but in a thoroughly entertaining way. We were so proud
of and impressed with what the novice team could do!
ANA Synchro teaches teamwork and other important life
skills - all in a fun, youth development-oriented environment! |
Maureen M.,
Long-time Parent:
I saw my first show 9 years ago. It really shows the heart of the Y people and
how their programs shape and transform the lives of the people who are involved
in them. Synchronized swimming has taught our daughters more than how to be
great athletes. It has taught them so many life lessons about friendship, family,
hard work, disappointment, conflict resolutions just to name a few. It has been a vital part in making them into
the strong, confident, healthy, happy, productive individuals that they are. I
am so grateful for all the Y has done for our family. I see the show as a way the swimmers and
families can give back to the Y and show what a wonderful program we have and
get others involved in the Y's programs.
ANA Synchro athletes
develop confidence at the Y! |
Alex Turek, Executive
Director of the Andover/North Andover Y:
There are a few reasons the show is so important to the
Y. First, it is a great way to bring
people into the branch that may never have been here before or know what we
have to offer. Second, we see the rich tradition associated with the show
and with Marilyn Fitzgerald starting the team so long ago. What a great
way to honor our early beginnings in the sport! But more than either of
those, is the opportunity for the girls to showcase their talents in front of a
crowd. There is nothing like performing in public to boost one’s self-confidence
and build character. That’s what we are all about!
Girls as young as 6 years old can join ANA Synchro!
Check our website for the next "Learn to Synch" class! |
Kate D’Ambrosio,
Aquatics Director (and former synchronized swimmer herself!):
I think it’s so important for
us to put on our annual Synchro show. First, it’s a great way to get more
information out there about what exactly synchronized swimming is and how
difficult a sport it is! Second, it’s a great way for the girls to
showcase all their hard work for family and friends. Third, it also shows
young girls some of the different opportunities there are after swim lessons.
So many kids track towards swim team because they don’t realize that there is
another option. The show highlights how much fun synchro can be, and it
can really inspire younger kids.
Synchronized swimming - a unique and beautiful sport. |
Belhazy-Kovacs, Veteran Coach of ANA Synchro:
Our show is a cohesive piece of work that brings everyone –
parents, athletes and coaches – together, with significant help from the Y, to
run our biggest community event and fundraiser of the year. It allows
everyone to participate and shine, regardless of their skill level, and be a
part of a larger, integrated whole. The
athletes display not only excellence in the water, but sportsmanship, kindness,
cohesive action, and lots and lots of fun.
All of this shines through every single performance, creates a very
positive vibe, and attracts new athletes and their parents to our unique and
beautiful sport.
A final dramatic solo swim for
this graduating senior! |
McNamara, Captain and Graduating Senior:
As a swimmer, the show means a lot to me.
It's an opportunity for our friends and family to support the team and
experience synchro as a performing art! I don't think the audience
realizes how much work goes on behind the scenes, but it's an amazing
experience working with the entire team at once. I especially love seeing all
the younger girls swimming next to the older girls. It does get stressful at
times, but I think that the team, as a whole, really bonds through the
The ANA Synchro show is an awesome team
and community event! Join us next year
for the 38th annual show! |
Readers….how about you? What benefits do you see for the
athletes? Have you ever been part of a major production like the ANA Synchro Show? What benefits do you see for the
athletes? For the volunteers? Let’s hear your stories in the comments
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